دانلود ریمیکس آهنگ Written In The Sand از مهدیار آقاجانی که 24 خرداد سال 1392 از لیبل اوسلا و سونی اومد بیرون. این آهنگ متعلق به گروه بردی نم نم (Birdy Nam Nam) هست که توسط مهدیار آقاجانی ریمیکس شده. ژانر این آهنگ الکترونیک می باشد.

مهدیار در فیسبوک:

بیانیه رسمی سایت اوسلا:
several albums greeted by critics and a French Music Award, Birdy Nam
Nam's third album called The Defiant Order is a strong way back to the
hip-hop and turnatablism roots. Out on Owsla (Skrillex’s label), Birdy
Nam Nam show their will to share what Europe has already experienced
with the United States, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Japan. The whole
world is about to discover their album and its reinvented sound by the
current best producers : Skrillex, Pelican Fly, Foreign Beggars, French
Fries, Djedjotronic, Club Cheval, Sam Tiba, Jackson Lunatic, Dj Sliink,
Maelstrom, Nah Like, Soufien 3000, Ryan Hemsworth, Bambounou, High
Powered Boys, G-Vump, Mahdyar Aghajani, Culprate, Breakbot, Crackboy,
DVNO and La Femme